- 资料名称:国际货物的海洋物流系统研究:以全球小麦运输为例(英文版)
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- 标准语言:中文版
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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Purpose
1.3 Structure of This Research
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Related Research
2.2 The Positioning of This Research
Chapter 3 Population Analysis
3.1 Population Predictions
3.2 Population Changes
3.3 Population Growth Rate
3.4 The Cause of Population Increasing
3.5 Conclusions
Chapter 4 A Continental Method for Estimating Wheat Production,Supply, Trade and Maritime Transportation
4. 1 Introduction
4. 2 Research Method
4. 3 Factor Analysis of Population in Relation to Wheat Production and Supply 32
4. 4 Surplus and Shortage in Every Region
4. 5 Future of Maritime Transportation
4. 6 Conclusions
Chapter 5 Trade Flow Analysis of Wheat
5. 1 Introduction
5.2 International Trade of Wheat
5. 3 Share Analysis of the International Wheat Export Market
5. 4 Trade Flow Data
5. 5 Panel Data Analyses of Asian Wheat's Import
5.6 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Maritime Transportation and Logistics Systems of Asia
6.1 Asian Transportation Tons
6.2 Maritime Transportation in Shortage Areas (Ton Miles)
6. 3 Trade Value
6.4 Forecasting the Required Number of Wheat Bulk Carriers
6. 5 Emissions of CO2
6.6 Conclusions
Chapter 7 Maritime Transportation and Logistics Systems of Africa
7. 1 Analysis of Maritime Transportation in Africa (Tons)
7. 2 Maritime Transportation in Africa (Ton miles)
7. 3 Trade value
7.4 Forecasting the Required Number of Wheat Bulk Carriers
7. 5 Emissions of CON(Africa)
Chapter 8 Comparative Research on the Trade and Bulk Carriers of Wheat and Rice for Maritime Transportation to Africa
Chapter 9 Conclusions and Future Investigation
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D The new Progress in Relation to This Research Published in Chinese Journal
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Purpose
1.3 Structure of This Research
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Related Research
2.2 The Positioning of This Research
Chapter 3 Population Analysis
3.1 Population Predictions
3.2 Population Changes
3.3 Population Growth Rate
3.4 The Cause of Population Increasing
3.5 Conclusions
Chapter 4 A Continental Method for Estimating Wheat Production,Supply, Trade and Maritime Transportation
4. 1 Introduction
4. 2 Research Method
4. 3 Factor Analysis of Population in Relation to Wheat Production and Supply 32
4. 4 Surplus and Shortage in Every Region
4. 5 Future of Maritime Transportation
4. 6 Conclusions
Chapter 5 Trade Flow Analysis of Wheat
5. 1 Introduction
5.2 International Trade of Wheat
5. 3 Share Analysis of the International Wheat Export Market
5. 4 Trade Flow Data
5. 5 Panel Data Analyses of Asian Wheat's Import
5.6 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Maritime Transportation and Logistics Systems of Asia
6.1 Asian Transportation Tons
6.2 Maritime Transportation in Shortage Areas (Ton Miles)
6. 3 Trade Value
6.4 Forecasting the Required Number of Wheat Bulk Carriers
6. 5 Emissions of CO2
6.6 Conclusions
Chapter 7 Maritime Transportation and Logistics Systems of Africa
7. 1 Analysis of Maritime Transportation in Africa (Tons)
7. 2 Maritime Transportation in Africa (Ton miles)
7. 3 Trade value
7.4 Forecasting the Required Number of Wheat Bulk Carriers
7. 5 Emissions of CON(Africa)
Chapter 8 Comparative Research on the Trade and Bulk Carriers of Wheat and Rice for Maritime Transportation to Africa
Chapter 9 Conclusions and Future Investigation
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D The new Progress in Relation to This Research Published in Chinese Journal
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