- 资料名称:理论飞秒物理:强激光场中的原子和分子(英文影印版)
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Part I Prerequisites
1 A Short Introduction to Laser Physics
1.1 The Einstein Coefficients
1.2 Fundamentals of the Laser
1.2.1 Elementary Laser Theory
1.2.2 Realization of the Laser Principle
1.3 Pulsed Lasers
1.3.1 Frequency Comb
1.3.2 Carrier Envelope Phase
1.3.3 Husimi Representation of Laser Pulses
1.A Some Gaussian Integrals
2 Time-Dependent Quantum Theory
2.1 The Time-Dependent Schrodinger Equation
2.1.1 Introduction
2.1.2 Time-Evolution Operator
2.1.3 Spectral Information
2.1.4 Analytical Solutions for Wavepackets
2.2 Analytical Approaches
2.2.1 Feynman's Path Integral
2.2.2 Semiclassical Approximation
2.2.3 Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory
2.2.4 Magnus Expansion
2.2.5 Time-Dependent Hartree Method
2.2.6 Quantum-Classical Methods
2.2.7 Floquet Theory
2.3 Numerical Methods
2.3.1 Orthogonal Basis Expansion
2.3.2 Split-Operator FFT Method
2.3.3 Alternative Methods of Time-Evolution
2.3.4 Semiclassical Initial Value Representations
2.A The Royal Road to the Path Integral
2.B Variational Calculus
2.C Stability Matrix
2.D From the HK- to the VVG-Propagator
Part II Applications
3 Field Matter Coupling and Two-Level Systems
3.1 Light Matter Interaction
3.1.1 Minimal Coupling
3.1.2 Length Gauge
3.1.3 Kramers-Henneberger Transformation
3.1.4 Volkov Wavepacket
3.2 Analytically Solvable Two-Level Problems
3.2.1 Dipole Matrix Element
3.2.2 Rabi Oscillations Induced by a Constant Perturbation
3.2.3 Time-Dependent Perturbations
3.2.4 Exactly Solvable Time-Dependent Cases
3.A Generalized Parity Transformation
3.B Two-Level System in an Incoherent Field
4 Single Electron Atoms in Strong Laser Fields
4.1 The Hydrogen Atom
4.1.1 Hydrogen in Three Dimensions
4.1.2 The One-Dimensional Coulomb Problem
4.2 Field Induced Ionization
4.2.1 Tunnel Ionization
4.2.2 Multiphoton Ionization
4.2.3 ATI in the Coulomb Potential
4.2.4 Stabilization in Very Strong Fields
4.2.5 Atoms Driven by HCP
4.3 High Harmonic Generation
4.3.1 Three-Step Model
4.3.2 Odd Harmonics Rule
4.3.3 Semiclassical Explanation of the Plateau
4.3.4 Cutoff and Odd Harmonics Revisited
4.A More on Atomic Units
Part I Prerequisites
1 A Short Introduction to Laser Physics
1.1 The Einstein Coefficients
1.2 Fundamentals of the Laser
1.2.1 Elementary Laser Theory
1.2.2 Realization of the Laser Principle
1.3 Pulsed Lasers
1.3.1 Frequency Comb
1.3.2 Carrier Envelope Phase
1.3.3 Husimi Representation of Laser Pulses
1.A Some Gaussian Integrals
2 Time-Dependent Quantum Theory
2.1 The Time-Dependent Schrodinger Equation
2.1.1 Introduction
2.1.2 Time-Evolution Operator
2.1.3 Spectral Information
2.1.4 Analytical Solutions for Wavepackets
2.2 Analytical Approaches
2.2.1 Feynman's Path Integral
2.2.2 Semiclassical Approximation
2.2.3 Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory
2.2.4 Magnus Expansion
2.2.5 Time-Dependent Hartree Method
2.2.6 Quantum-Classical Methods
2.2.7 Floquet Theory
2.3 Numerical Methods
2.3.1 Orthogonal Basis Expansion
2.3.2 Split-Operator FFT Method
2.3.3 Alternative Methods of Time-Evolution
2.3.4 Semiclassical Initial Value Representations
2.A The Royal Road to the Path Integral
2.B Variational Calculus
2.C Stability Matrix
2.D From the HK- to the VVG-Propagator
Part II Applications
3 Field Matter Coupling and Two-Level Systems
3.1 Light Matter Interaction
3.1.1 Minimal Coupling
3.1.2 Length Gauge
3.1.3 Kramers-Henneberger Transformation
3.1.4 Volkov Wavepacket
3.2 Analytically Solvable Two-Level Problems
3.2.1 Dipole Matrix Element
3.2.2 Rabi Oscillations Induced by a Constant Perturbation
3.2.3 Time-Dependent Perturbations
3.2.4 Exactly Solvable Time-Dependent Cases
3.A Generalized Parity Transformation
3.B Two-Level System in an Incoherent Field
4 Single Electron Atoms in Strong Laser Fields
4.1 The Hydrogen Atom
4.1.1 Hydrogen in Three Dimensions
4.1.2 The One-Dimensional Coulomb Problem
4.2 Field Induced Ionization
4.2.1 Tunnel Ionization
4.2.2 Multiphoton Ionization
4.2.3 ATI in the Coulomb Potential
4.2.4 Stabilization in Very Strong Fields
4.2.5 Atoms Driven by HCP
4.3 High Harmonic Generation
4.3.1 Three-Step Model
4.3.2 Odd Harmonics Rule
4.3.3 Semiclassical Explanation of the Plateau
4.3.4 Cutoff and Odd Harmonics Revisited
4.A More on Atomic Units
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