- 资料名称:重夸克物理学(英文影印版)
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- 标准语言:简体中文
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1 review
1.1 the standard model
1.2 loops
1.3 composite operators
1.4 quantum chromodynamics and chiral symmetry
1.5 integrating out heavy quarks
1.6 effective hamiltonians for weak decays
1.7 the pion decay constant
1.8 the operator product expansion
1.9 problems
1.10 references
2 heavy quarks
2.1 introduction
2.2 quantum numbers
2.3 strong decays of excited heavy hadrons
2.4 fragmentation to heavy hadrons
2.5 covariant representation of fields
2.6 the effective lagrangian
2.7 normalization of states
2.8 heavy meson decay constants
2.9 b→d(*) form factors
2.10 ∧c→∧ form factors
2.11 ∧b→∧c form factors
2.12 problems
2.13 references
3 radiative corrections
3.1 renormalization in hqet
3.2 matching between qcd and hqet
3.3 heavy-light currents
3.4 heavy-heavy currents
3.5 problems
3.6 references
4 nonperturbative corrections
4.1 the l/rnq expansion
4.2 reparameterization invariance
4.3 masses
4.4 ∧b→∧ceνe decay
4.5 b→d(*)eνe decay and luke's theorem
4.6 renormalons
4.7 ν.a = 0 gauge
4.8 nrqcd
4.9 problems
4.10 references
5 chiral perturbation theory
5.1 heavy mesons
5.2 gπ in the nonrelativistic constituent quark model
5.3 b→πeνe and d→πeνe decay
5.4 radiative d* decay
5.5 chiral corrections to b→d(*)eνe form factors
5.6 problems
5.7 references
6 inclusive weak decay
6.1 inclusive semileptonic decay kinematics
6.2 the operator product expansion
6.3 differential decay rates
6.4 physical interpretation of 1/m2 corrections
6.5 the electron endpoint region
1 review
1.1 the standard model
1.2 loops
1.3 composite operators
1.4 quantum chromodynamics and chiral symmetry
1.5 integrating out heavy quarks
1.6 effective hamiltonians for weak decays
1.7 the pion decay constant
1.8 the operator product expansion
1.9 problems
1.10 references
2 heavy quarks
2.1 introduction
2.2 quantum numbers
2.3 strong decays of excited heavy hadrons
2.4 fragmentation to heavy hadrons
2.5 covariant representation of fields
2.6 the effective lagrangian
2.7 normalization of states
2.8 heavy meson decay constants
2.9 b→d(*) form factors
2.10 ∧c→∧ form factors
2.11 ∧b→∧c form factors
2.12 problems
2.13 references
3 radiative corrections
3.1 renormalization in hqet
3.2 matching between qcd and hqet
3.3 heavy-light currents
3.4 heavy-heavy currents
3.5 problems
3.6 references
4 nonperturbative corrections
4.1 the l/rnq expansion
4.2 reparameterization invariance
4.3 masses
4.4 ∧b→∧ceνe decay
4.5 b→d(*)eνe decay and luke's theorem
4.6 renormalons
4.7 ν.a = 0 gauge
4.8 nrqcd
4.9 problems
4.10 references
5 chiral perturbation theory
5.1 heavy mesons
5.2 gπ in the nonrelativistic constituent quark model
5.3 b→πeνe and d→πeνe decay
5.4 radiative d* decay
5.5 chiral corrections to b→d(*)eνe form factors
5.6 problems
5.7 references
6 inclusive weak decay
6.1 inclusive semileptonic decay kinematics
6.2 the operator product expansion
6.3 differential decay rates
6.4 physical interpretation of 1/m2 corrections
6.5 the electron endpoint region
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