- 资料名称:基本粒子物理学(英文影印版)2013年版
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丛编项: 物理学经典教材
The 21st century is a time of great change in particle physics. A new energy frontier re- cently opened up at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It's a time of great excite- ment with the anticipation of unexpected outcomes. At the same time, the most widely used university-level texts on high-energy physics date back to the time leading up to the W and Z boson discoveries. Since then, the Standard Model of particle physics has been thoroughly explored at the Large Electron Positron (LEP) collider at CERN, the Tevatron at Fermilab, HERA at DESY and at two B-factories, KEKB and PEP-II. A decade of neutrino physics has brought an exciting new view on these elementary and light, but massive, particles. This text is an attempt to capture the modem understanding of particle physics in a snapshot of time leading up to the start-up of the LHC. I believe that the pause in the development of texts has been due in part to the anticipated discovery of the Higgs boson and the implications that the observed Higgs field properties will have in defining the high-energy unification of the fundamental interactions. However, it is difficult for a new generation of high-energy physics to prepare for the challenge of the LHC without having the perspective needed to look beyond the limitations of the current Standard Model.
1 Particle Physics: A Brief Overview
1.1 Handedness in the Equation of Motion
1.2 Chiral Interactions
1.3 Fundamental Strong Interaction
1.4 Table of Elementary Particles
1.5 Mass and Charge
1.6 Hypercharge Interaction of the Standard Model
1.7 Higgs Mechanism
1.8 Program of Study
1.9 Exercises
1.10 References and Further Reading
2 Dirac Equation and Quantum Electrodynamics
2.1 Natural Units and Conversions
2.2 Relativistic Invariance
2.3 Pauli-Dirac Representation and Connection with Nonrelativistic QM
2.3.1 Constants of Motion
2.3.2 Velocity in Dirac Theory
2.4 Probability Current
2.5 Free-Particle Solutions in the Pauli-Dirac Representation
2.6 Antiparticles
2.6.1 Charge-Conjugation Symmetry
2.7 Lorentz Transformations
2.7.1 Lorentz Invariance of the Dirac Equation
2.7.2 Lorentz-Invariant Lagrangians and the Euler-Lagrange Equations
2.8 Weyl Representation
2.8.1 Weyl Spinor Two-Component Formalism
2.8.2 Free-Particle Solutions via Lorentz Boost Transform
2.9 Projection Operators and Completeness Relations
2.10 Discrete Lorentz Transformations
2.11 Covariant Form of the Electromagnetic Interaction
2.12 Relativistic Propagator Theory
2.12.1 Source Terms: Coulomb Scattering Potential
2.12.2 Photon Propagator
2.12.3 Massive Spin-1 Propagator
2.13 S-Matrix and Feynman Rules for QED
2.3.1 Cross Sections and Decay Rates
2.13.2 Worked Example: Mort Scattering
2.14 Spin Statistics
2.15 Exercises
2.16 References and Further Reading
3 Gauge Principle
3.1 Global Internal Symmetries
3.2 Local Gauge Symmetries
3.3 S U(z) and the Weak Interaction
3.3.1 Gauge Transformations of Massive Spin-1 Four-Potentials
3.3.2 Non-Abelian Four-Potentials
3.3.3 Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions
3.4 Electroweak Gauge Interactions
3.5 Gauge Interaction of QCD
3.6 Structure of Elementary Matter
3.7 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
3.8 Higgs Mechanism
3.8.1 Minimum Single-Doublet of Complex Scalar Fields
3.9 Glashow-Weinberg-Salam Theory of the Electroweak Interactions
3.10 Neutral-Current Feynman Rules
3.11 Fermion Masses and the CKM Mixing Matrix
3.12 Neutrino Masses and the CKM Mixing Matrix
3.13 Interaction Vertices in the Standard Model
3.14 Higgs Mechanism and the Nambu-Goldstone Theorem
3.15 Goldstone Boson Equivalence
3.16 Anomaly Cancellation
3.17 Exercises
3.18 References and Further Reading
4 Hadrons
4.1 Color Antiscreening and Quark Confinement
5 Detectors and Measurements
6 Neutrino Oscillations and CKM Measurements
7 e+e- Collider Physics
8 Hadron Colliders
9 Higgs Physics
丛编项: 物理学经典教材
The 21st century is a time of great change in particle physics. A new energy frontier re- cently opened up at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It's a time of great excite- ment with the anticipation of unexpected outcomes. At the same time, the most widely used university-level texts on high-energy physics date back to the time leading up to the W and Z boson discoveries. Since then, the Standard Model of particle physics has been thoroughly explored at the Large Electron Positron (LEP) collider at CERN, the Tevatron at Fermilab, HERA at DESY and at two B-factories, KEKB and PEP-II. A decade of neutrino physics has brought an exciting new view on these elementary and light, but massive, particles. This text is an attempt to capture the modem understanding of particle physics in a snapshot of time leading up to the start-up of the LHC. I believe that the pause in the development of texts has been due in part to the anticipated discovery of the Higgs boson and the implications that the observed Higgs field properties will have in defining the high-energy unification of the fundamental interactions. However, it is difficult for a new generation of high-energy physics to prepare for the challenge of the LHC without having the perspective needed to look beyond the limitations of the current Standard Model.
1 Particle Physics: A Brief Overview
1.1 Handedness in the Equation of Motion
1.2 Chiral Interactions
1.3 Fundamental Strong Interaction
1.4 Table of Elementary Particles
1.5 Mass and Charge
1.6 Hypercharge Interaction of the Standard Model
1.7 Higgs Mechanism
1.8 Program of Study
1.9 Exercises
1.10 References and Further Reading
2 Dirac Equation and Quantum Electrodynamics
2.1 Natural Units and Conversions
2.2 Relativistic Invariance
2.3 Pauli-Dirac Representation and Connection with Nonrelativistic QM
2.3.1 Constants of Motion
2.3.2 Velocity in Dirac Theory
2.4 Probability Current
2.5 Free-Particle Solutions in the Pauli-Dirac Representation
2.6 Antiparticles
2.6.1 Charge-Conjugation Symmetry
2.7 Lorentz Transformations
2.7.1 Lorentz Invariance of the Dirac Equation
2.7.2 Lorentz-Invariant Lagrangians and the Euler-Lagrange Equations
2.8 Weyl Representation
2.8.1 Weyl Spinor Two-Component Formalism
2.8.2 Free-Particle Solutions via Lorentz Boost Transform
2.9 Projection Operators and Completeness Relations
2.10 Discrete Lorentz Transformations
2.11 Covariant Form of the Electromagnetic Interaction
2.12 Relativistic Propagator Theory
2.12.1 Source Terms: Coulomb Scattering Potential
2.12.2 Photon Propagator
2.12.3 Massive Spin-1 Propagator
2.13 S-Matrix and Feynman Rules for QED
2.3.1 Cross Sections and Decay Rates
2.13.2 Worked Example: Mort Scattering
2.14 Spin Statistics
2.15 Exercises
2.16 References and Further Reading
3 Gauge Principle
3.1 Global Internal Symmetries
3.2 Local Gauge Symmetries
3.3 S U(z) and the Weak Interaction
3.3.1 Gauge Transformations of Massive Spin-1 Four-Potentials
3.3.2 Non-Abelian Four-Potentials
3.3.3 Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions
3.4 Electroweak Gauge Interactions
3.5 Gauge Interaction of QCD
3.6 Structure of Elementary Matter
3.7 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
3.8 Higgs Mechanism
3.8.1 Minimum Single-Doublet of Complex Scalar Fields
3.9 Glashow-Weinberg-Salam Theory of the Electroweak Interactions
3.10 Neutral-Current Feynman Rules
3.11 Fermion Masses and the CKM Mixing Matrix
3.12 Neutrino Masses and the CKM Mixing Matrix
3.13 Interaction Vertices in the Standard Model
3.14 Higgs Mechanism and the Nambu-Goldstone Theorem
3.15 Goldstone Boson Equivalence
3.16 Anomaly Cancellation
3.17 Exercises
3.18 References and Further Reading
4 Hadrons
4.1 Color Antiscreening and Quark Confinement
5 Detectors and Measurements
6 Neutrino Oscillations and CKM Measurements
7 e+e- Collider Physics
8 Hadron Colliders
9 Higgs Physics
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