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数字与模拟通信系统(第七版 英文版)

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数字与模拟通信系统(第七版 英文版)
  《数字与模拟通信系统(第7版)(英文版)》系统地介绍了现代通信系统的基本理论和最新发展技术。全书共分8章,内容包括:绪论;信号与频谱;基带脉冲与数字信号;带通信号传输原理与电路;AM、FM及数字调制系统;随机过程与频谱分析;噪声背景下通信系统的性能;有线及无线通信系统。每章都有一定的助学例题及大量的习题,部分例题及习题附有MATLAB仿真软件。新增内容主要有数AM和FM广播、DSL调制解调器、卫星数字无线电广播、第二代与第三代蜂窝电话系统、电缆数据设制解调器、Wi-Fi和Wi-Max无线网络、学生资源手册、Mathcad文件以及MATLAB M文件等。《数字与模拟通信系统(第7版)(英文版)》可供工科二、三年级本科生作为教材使用,也适合作为研究生的入门课程教材,或作为电气工程师的最新技术参考书。
1-1 Historical Perspective 30
1-2 Digital and Analog Sources and Systems 30
1-3 Deterministic and Random Waveforms 33
1-4 Organization of the Book 34
1-5 Use of a Personal Computer and MATLAB 35
1-6 Block Diagram of a Communication System 36
1-7 Frequency Allocations 38
1-8 Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves 40
1-9 Information Measure 44
1-10 Channel Capacity and Ideal Communication Systems 46
1-11 Coding 47
Block Codes, 48
Convolutional Codes, 50
Code Interleaving, 53
Code Performance, 53
Trellis-Coded Modulation, 56
1-12 Preview 57
1-13 Study-Aid Examples 57
Problems 58
2-1 Properties of Signals and Noise 60
Physically Realizable Waveforms, 60
Time Average Operator, 62
DC Value, 63
Power, 64
RMS Value and Normalized Power, 66
Energy and Power Waveforms, 67
Decibel, 67
Phasors, 69
2-2 Fourier Transform and Spectra 70
Definition, 70
Properties of Fourier Transforms, 73
Parseval s Theorem and Energy Spectral Density, 75
Dirac Delta Function and Unit Step Function, 78
Rectangular and Triangular Pulses, 81
Convolution, 85
2-3 Power Spectral Density and Autocorrelation Function 88
Power Spectral Density, 88
Autocorrelation Function, 90
2-4 Orthogonal Series Representation of Signals and Noise 92
Orthogonal Functions, 92
Orthogonal Series, 94
2-5 Fourier Series 95
Complex Fourier Series, 95
Quadrature Fourier Series, 97
Polar Fourier Series, 98
Line Spectra for Periodic Waveforms, 100
Power Spectral Density for Periodic Waveforms, 104
2-6 Review of Linear Systems 106
Linear Time-Invariant Systems 106
Impulse Response, 106
Transfer Function, 107
Distortionless Transmission, 110
Distortion of Audio, Video, and Data Signals, 111
2-7 Bandlimited Signals and Noise 113
Bandlimited Waveforms, 113
Sampling Theorem, 114
Impulse Sampling and Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 117
Dimensionality Theorem, 120
2-8 Discrete Fourier Transform 121
Using the DFT to Compute the Continuous Fourier Transform, 122
Using the DFT to Compute the Fourier Series, 127
2-9 Bandwidth of Signals 128
2-10 Summary 137
2-11 Study-Aid Examples 137
Problems 142
3-1 Introduction 150
3-2 Pulse Amplitude Modulation 151
Natural Sampling (Gating), 151
Instantaneous Sampling (Flat-Top PAM), 155
3-3 Pulse Code Modulation 159
Sampling, Quantizing, and Encoding, 160
Practical PCM Circuits, 160
Bandwidth of PCM Signals, 164
Effects of Noise, 165
Nonuniform Quantizing: tx-Law and A-Law Companding, 169
V.90 56-kb/s PCM Computer Modem, 173
3-4 Digital Signaling 174
Vector Representation, 175
Bandwidth Estimation, 177
Binary Signaling, 178
Multilevel Signaling, 180
3-5 Line Codes and Spectra 182
Binary Line Coding, 182
Power Spectra for Binary Line Codes, 185
Differential Coding, 191
Eye Patterns, 192
Regenerative Repeaters, 193
Bit Synchronization, 195
Power Spectra for Multilevel Polar NRZ Signals, 198
Spectral Efficiency, 201
3-6 Intersymbol Interference 202
Nyquist s First Method (Zero ISI), 204
Raised Cosine-Rolloff Nyquist Filtering, 205
Nyquist s Second and Third Methods for Control of ISI, 210
3-7 Differential Pulse Code Modulation 210
3-8 Delta Modulation 214
Granular Noise and Slope Overload Noise, 216
Adaptive Delta Modulation and Continuously Variable Slope Delta Modulation, 219
Speech Coding, 221
3-9 Time-Division Multiplexing 221
Frame Synchronization, 222
Synchronous and Asynchronous Lines, 224
TDM Hierarchy, 228
The TI PCM System, 233
3-10 Packet Transmission System 235
3-11 Pulse Time Modulation: Pulse Width Modulation and Pulse Position Modulation 235
3-12 Summary 237
3-13 Study-Aid Examples 240
Problems 243
4-1 Complex Envelope Representation of Bandpass Waveforms 250
Definitions: Baseband, Bandpass, and Modulation, 250
Complex Envelope Representation, 251
4-2 Representation of Modulated Signals 253
4-3 Spectrum of Bandpass Signals 256
4-4 Evaluation of Power 257
4-5 Bandpass Filtering and Linear Distortion 260
Equivalent Low-Pass Filter, 260
Linear Distortion, 262
4-6 Bandpass Sampling Theorem 264
4-7 Received Signal Plus Noise 265
4-8 Classification of Filters and Amplifiers 266
Filters, 266
Amplifiers, 270
4-9 Nonlinear Distortion 271
4-10 Limiters 276
4-11 Mixers, Up Converters, and Down Converters 277
4-12 Frequency Multipliers 283
4-13 Detector Circuits 285
Envelope Detector, 285
Product Detector, 286
Frequency Modulation Detector, 288
4-14 Phase-Locked Loops and Frequency Synthesizers 293
4-15 Direct Digital Synthesis 301
4-16 Transmitters and Receivers 301
Generalized Transmitters, 301
Generalized Receiver: The Superheterodyne Receiver, 303
Zero-IF Receivers, 307
Interference, 308
4-17 Software Radios 308
4-18 Summary 309
4-19 Study-Aid Examples 309
Problems 315
5-1 Amplitude Modulation 321
5-2 AM Broadcast Technical Standards 326
Digital AM Braodcasting, 327
5-3 Double-Sideband Suppressed Carrier 328
5-4 Costas Loop and Squaring Loop 328
5-5 Asymmetric Sideband Signals 330
Single Sideband, 330
Vestigial Sideband, 334
5-6 Phase Modulation and Frequency Modulation 336
Representation of PM and FM Signals, 336
Spectra of Angle-Modulated Signals, 341
Narrowband Angle Modulation, 346
Wideband Frequency Modulation, 347
Preemphasis and Deemphasis in Angle-Modulated Systems, 351
5-7 Frequency-Division Multiplexing and FM Stereo 351
5-8 FM Broadcast Technical Standards 355
Digital FM Braodcasting, 355
5-9 Binary Modulated Bandpass Signaling 357
On-Off Keying (OOK), 357
Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK), 361
Differential Phase-Shift Keying (DPSK), 363
Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK), 363
5-10 Multilevel Modulated Bandpass Signaling 370
Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK) and M-ary Phase-Shift Keying (MPSK), 370
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM), 373
OQPSK and π/4 QPSK, 376
PSD for MPSK, QAM, QPSK, OQPSK, and π/4 QPSK, 377
Spectral Efficiency for MPSK, QAM, QPSK, OQPSK, and π/4 QPSK with Raised Cosine Filtering, 379
5-11 Minimum-Shift Keying (MSK) and GMSK 380
5-12 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) 385
5-13 Spread Spectrum Systems 390
Direct Sequence, 391
Frequency Hopping, 397
SS Frequency Bands, 397
5-14 Summary 397
5-15 Study-Aid Examples 399
Problems 402
6-1 Some Basic Definitions 409
Random Processes, 409
Stationarity and Ergodicity, 411
Correlation Functions and Wide-Sense Stationarity, 415
Complex Random Processes, 417
6-2 Power Spectral Density 419
Definition, 419
Wiener-Khintchine Theorem, 420
Properties of the PSD, 423
General Formula for the PSD of Digital Signals, 427
White-Noise Processes, 430
Measurement of PSD, 431
6-3 DC and RMS Values for Ergodic Random Processes 432
6-4 Linear Systems 434
Input-Output Relationships, 434
6-5 Bandwidth Measures 439
Equivalent Bandwidth, 439
RMS Bandwidth, 439
6-6 The Gaussian Random Process 441
Properties of Gaussian Processes, 442
6-7 Bandpass Processes 446
Bandpass Representations, 446
Properties of WSS Bandpass Processes, 449
Proofs of Some Properties, 454
6-8 Matched Filters 459
General Results, 459
Results for White Noise, 461
Correlation Processing, 466
Transversal Matched Filter, 467
6-9 Summary 470
6-10 Appendix: Proof of Schwarz s Inequality 472
6-11 Study-Aid Examples 474
Problems 476
7-1 Error Probabilities for Binary Signaling 482
General Results, 482
Results for Gaussian Noise, 485
Results for White Gaussian Noise and Matched-Filter Reception, 487
Results for Colored Gaussian Noise and Matched-Filter Reception, 488
7-2 Performance of Baseband Binary Systems 489
Unipolar Signaling, 489
Polar Signaling, 492
Bipolar Signaling, 492
7-3 Coherent Detecuon of Bandpass Binary Signals 494
On-Off Keying, 494
Binary-Phase-Shift Keying, 496
Frequency-Shift Keying, 497
7-4 Noncoherent Detection of Bandpass Binary Signals 500
On-Off Keying, 500
Frequency-Shift Keying, 504
Differential Phase-Shift Keying, 506
7-5 Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying and Minimum-Shift Keying 508
7-6 Comparison of Digital Signaling Systems 510
Bit-Error Rate and Bandwidth, 510
Symbol Error and Bit Error for Multilevel Signaling, 512
Synchronization, 513
7-7 Output Signal-to-Noise Ratio for PCM Systems 514
7-8 Output Signal-to-Noise Ratios for Analog Systems 520
Comparison with Baseband Systems, 520
AM Systems with Product Detection, 521
AM Systems with Envelope Detection, 523
DSB-SC Systems, 524
SSB Systems, 525
PM Systems, 525
FM Systems, 529
FM Systems with Threshold Extension, 532
FM Systems with Deemphasis, 534
7-9 Comparison of Analog Signaling Systems 537
Ideal System Performance, 537
7-10 Summary 540
7-11 Study-Aid Examples 540
Problems 549
8-1 The Explosive Growth of Telecommunications 555
8-2 Telephone Systems 555
Historical Basis, 556
Modern Telephone Systems and Remote Terminals, 557
8-3 Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL) 563
G.DMT and G.Lite Digital Subscriber Lines, 564
Video On Demand (VOD), 566
Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN), 566
8-4 Capacities of Public Switched Telephone Networks 569
8-5 Satellite Communication Systems 569
Digital and Analog Television Transmission, 574
Data and Telephone Signal Multiple Access, 576
Satellite Radio Broadcasting, 581
8-6 Link Budget Analysis 583
Signal Power Received, 584
Thermal Noise Sources, 586
Characterization of Noise Sources, 587
Noise Characterization of Linear Devices, 588
Noise Characterization of Cascaded Linear Devices, 594
Link Budget Evaluation, 596
Eb/No Link Budget for Digital Systems, 598
Path Loss for Urban Wireless Environments, 599
8-7 Fiber-Optic Systems 603
8-8 Cellular Telephone Systems 607
First Generation (1G)



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