MilitaryToxicology-军事毒理学 董兆君,刘勇,赵吉清 主编 2010年版
- 资料名称:MilitaryToxicology-军事毒理学 董兆君,刘勇,赵吉清 主编 2010年版
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- 标准类型:行业图书
- 标准语言:英文版
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作者:董兆君,刘勇,赵吉清 主编
military toxicology, evolved from the needs of medical supports during the first and the second world war and developed during the later stage of 20 centuries, becomes a division of military medicine. it is designed to solve both academic and practical problems for a medical treatment system of the troops' chemical defense and security in peace and war. it plays a major role in the toxicological assessment of health and environmental hazards associated with substances that are used
primarily by the military or that present an unusual type of exposure as a result of a unique military environment. it deals with the way that substances are absorbed, distributed or eliminated and studies the mechanism of a xenobiotic-induced intoxication. and it can even identify poisonous and hazardous chemicals from different sources such as air, soil, fruits, waters, urine or blood. as a classroom discipline it is to train the students for a wide range of toxicological issues so that the students may work under supervision of researchers in emergency medicine or participate in an active research project. although there are some excellent references in toxicology, a textbook systematically elaborating the theoretical and practical problems encountered in military operations is not available until now. this void impelled the authors to produce the present textbook for students in military medical colleges and research institutes.
the first edition of military toxicology provides both basic and practical information on the many facets of toxicology and especially on the principles, concepts and modes of thought that are the foundation of the discipline. it also reflects the progress made in defenses of chemical agents and even in chemical hazard management. graduate students and researchers will find this book an excellent reference when approaching problems encountered in areas of military medicine or peripheral interests.
chapter 1 introduction
chapter 2 action of toxic agents on the body
chapter 3 action of the body on xenobiotics
section 1. absorption
section 2. distribution
section 3. biological metabolism of toxicants
section 4. excretion
chapter 4 mechanisms of toxicity
chapter 5 factors influencing toxicity
chapter 6 mutagenesis, genetic and cancer risk assessment
chapter 7 risk assessment
chapter 8 chemicals used in war
chapter 9 nerve agents
chapter 10 vesicants
chapter 11 cyanogen agents
chapter 12 asphyxiants
section 1. chlorine
section 2. phosgene and diphosgene
chapter 13 incapacitating agents
chapter 14 military toxic substances
section 1. smokes and other substance
section 2. irritants
作者:董兆君,刘勇,赵吉清 主编
military toxicology, evolved from the needs of medical supports during the first and the second world war and developed during the later stage of 20 centuries, becomes a division of military medicine. it is designed to solve both academic and practical problems for a medical treatment system of the troops' chemical defense and security in peace and war. it plays a major role in the toxicological assessment of health and environmental hazards associated with substances that are used
primarily by the military or that present an unusual type of exposure as a result of a unique military environment. it deals with the way that substances are absorbed, distributed or eliminated and studies the mechanism of a xenobiotic-induced intoxication. and it can even identify poisonous and hazardous chemicals from different sources such as air, soil, fruits, waters, urine or blood. as a classroom discipline it is to train the students for a wide range of toxicological issues so that the students may work under supervision of researchers in emergency medicine or participate in an active research project. although there are some excellent references in toxicology, a textbook systematically elaborating the theoretical and practical problems encountered in military operations is not available until now. this void impelled the authors to produce the present textbook for students in military medical colleges and research institutes.
the first edition of military toxicology provides both basic and practical information on the many facets of toxicology and especially on the principles, concepts and modes of thought that are the foundation of the discipline. it also reflects the progress made in defenses of chemical agents and even in chemical hazard management. graduate students and researchers will find this book an excellent reference when approaching problems encountered in areas of military medicine or peripheral interests.
chapter 1 introduction
chapter 2 action of toxic agents on the body
chapter 3 action of the body on xenobiotics
section 1. absorption
section 2. distribution
section 3. biological metabolism of toxicants
section 4. excretion
chapter 4 mechanisms of toxicity
chapter 5 factors influencing toxicity
chapter 6 mutagenesis, genetic and cancer risk assessment
chapter 7 risk assessment
chapter 8 chemicals used in war
chapter 9 nerve agents
chapter 10 vesicants
chapter 11 cyanogen agents
chapter 12 asphyxiants
section 1. chlorine
section 2. phosgene and diphosgene
chapter 13 incapacitating agents
chapter 14 military toxic substances
section 1. smokes and other substance
section 2. irritants
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