现代完井工程(英文版) 2012年版
- 资料名称:现代完井工程(英文版) 2012年版
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作者:万仁溥 编
Basis of Well Completion Engineering
1.1 Grounds of Reservoir Geology and Reservoir Engineering
1.2 Core Analysis Techniques
1.3 Reservoir Sensitivity to Fluid and Working Fluid Damage Evaluation
1.4 Reservoir Stress Sensitivity Analysis
1.5 IN-SITU Stress and Mechanical Parameters of Rock
1.6 Technological Grounds of Petroleum Production Engineering
2 Well Completion Mode Selection
2.1 Vertical, Slant and Directional Well Completion
2.2 Horizontal Well Completion
2.3 Underbalanced Well Completion
2.4 Basic Requirements, Grounds and Flow Chart of Well Completion Mode Selection
3 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes
3.1 Overview
3.2 Overview of Nodal Analysis
3.3 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes for Flowing Wells
3.4 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes for Gas Wells
3.5 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes for Artificial Lift Wells
3.6 Effects of Stimulation on Tubing and Production Casing Size Selection
3.7 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes for Heavy Oil and High Pour-Point Oil Production Wells
4 Completion and Perforating Fluids
4.1 Functions of Drilling and Completion Fluid and Basic Requirements
4.2 Drilling and Completion Fluid Systems and Application
4.3 Shield-Type Temporary Plugging Technique
4.4 Drilling and Completion Fluid for Complicated Reservoir
4.5 Perforating Fluid
5 Production Casing and Cementing
5.1 Basic Requirements for Production Casing Design and Integrity Management of
Production Casing
5.2 Hole Structure and Types of Casing
5.3 Strength of Casing and Strength Design of Casing String
5.4 Cementing
5.5 Production Casing and Cementing for Complex Type Wells
6 Perforating
6.1 Perforating Technology
6.2 Factors of Influencing Perforated Well Productivity
6.3 Perforating Differential Pressure Design
6.4 Optimizing Perforation Design
7 Well Completion Formation Damage Evaluation
7.1 Overview
7.2 Principle of Formation Damage Evaluation by Well Testing
7.3 Formation Damage Diagnosing in Homogeneous Reservoir by Graphic Characteristics
7.4 Graphic Characteristics of Dual Porosity Reservoirs and Reservoirs with Hydraulically Created Fracture
7.5 Distinction of Stimulation Effect by Graphic Characteristics
7.6 Quantitative Interpretation of Degree of Formation Damage
7.7 Well Logging Evaluation of Formation Damage Depth
8 Measures for Putting Well into Production
8.1 Preparations before Putting into Production
8.2 Main Measures for Putting into Production
8.3 Physical and Chemical Blocking Removal
8.4 Hydraulic Fracturing for Putting into Production
8.5 Acidizing for Putting into Production
8.6 High Energy Gas Fracturing for Putting into Production
8.7 Flowing Back
9 Well Completion Tubing String
9.1 Oil Well Completion Tubing String
9.2 Gas Well Completion Tubing String
9.3 Separate-Layer Water Injection String
9.4 Heavy Oil Production Tubing String
9.5 Completion Tubing String Safety System
9.6 Tubing String Mechanics
10 Wellhead Assembly
10.1 Oil-Well Christmas Tree and Tubinghead
10.2 Gas-Well Christmas Tree and Tubinghead
10.3 Water Injection and Thermal Production Wellhead Assembly
10.4 Common Components of Wellhead Assembly
11 Oil and Gas Well Corrosion and Corrosion Prevention ..
11.1 Related Calculation of Oil and Gas Well Corrosion
11.2 Oil and Gas Well Corrosion Mechanism and Classification
11.3 Material Selection for Corrosive Environment of Oil and Gas Wells..
11.4 Oil and Gas Well Corrosion Prevention Design
11.5 Tubing and Casing Corrosion Prevention for Sour Gas Reservoir ..
作者:万仁溥 编
Basis of Well Completion Engineering
1.1 Grounds of Reservoir Geology and Reservoir Engineering
1.2 Core Analysis Techniques
1.3 Reservoir Sensitivity to Fluid and Working Fluid Damage Evaluation
1.4 Reservoir Stress Sensitivity Analysis
1.5 IN-SITU Stress and Mechanical Parameters of Rock
1.6 Technological Grounds of Petroleum Production Engineering
2 Well Completion Mode Selection
2.1 Vertical, Slant and Directional Well Completion
2.2 Horizontal Well Completion
2.3 Underbalanced Well Completion
2.4 Basic Requirements, Grounds and Flow Chart of Well Completion Mode Selection
3 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes
3.1 Overview
3.2 Overview of Nodal Analysis
3.3 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes for Flowing Wells
3.4 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes for Gas Wells
3.5 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes for Artificial Lift Wells
3.6 Effects of Stimulation on Tubing and Production Casing Size Selection
3.7 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes for Heavy Oil and High Pour-Point Oil Production Wells
4 Completion and Perforating Fluids
4.1 Functions of Drilling and Completion Fluid and Basic Requirements
4.2 Drilling and Completion Fluid Systems and Application
4.3 Shield-Type Temporary Plugging Technique
4.4 Drilling and Completion Fluid for Complicated Reservoir
4.5 Perforating Fluid
5 Production Casing and Cementing
5.1 Basic Requirements for Production Casing Design and Integrity Management of
Production Casing
5.2 Hole Structure and Types of Casing
5.3 Strength of Casing and Strength Design of Casing String
5.4 Cementing
5.5 Production Casing and Cementing for Complex Type Wells
6 Perforating
6.1 Perforating Technology
6.2 Factors of Influencing Perforated Well Productivity
6.3 Perforating Differential Pressure Design
6.4 Optimizing Perforation Design
7 Well Completion Formation Damage Evaluation
7.1 Overview
7.2 Principle of Formation Damage Evaluation by Well Testing
7.3 Formation Damage Diagnosing in Homogeneous Reservoir by Graphic Characteristics
7.4 Graphic Characteristics of Dual Porosity Reservoirs and Reservoirs with Hydraulically Created Fracture
7.5 Distinction of Stimulation Effect by Graphic Characteristics
7.6 Quantitative Interpretation of Degree of Formation Damage
7.7 Well Logging Evaluation of Formation Damage Depth
8 Measures for Putting Well into Production
8.1 Preparations before Putting into Production
8.2 Main Measures for Putting into Production
8.3 Physical and Chemical Blocking Removal
8.4 Hydraulic Fracturing for Putting into Production
8.5 Acidizing for Putting into Production
8.6 High Energy Gas Fracturing for Putting into Production
8.7 Flowing Back
9 Well Completion Tubing String
9.1 Oil Well Completion Tubing String
9.2 Gas Well Completion Tubing String
9.3 Separate-Layer Water Injection String
9.4 Heavy Oil Production Tubing String
9.5 Completion Tubing String Safety System
9.6 Tubing String Mechanics
10 Wellhead Assembly
10.1 Oil-Well Christmas Tree and Tubinghead
10.2 Gas-Well Christmas Tree and Tubinghead
10.3 Water Injection and Thermal Production Wellhead Assembly
10.4 Common Components of Wellhead Assembly
11 Oil and Gas Well Corrosion and Corrosion Prevention ..
11.1 Related Calculation of Oil and Gas Well Corrosion
11.2 Oil and Gas Well Corrosion Mechanism and Classification
11.3 Material Selection for Corrosive Environment of Oil and Gas Wells..
11.4 Oil and Gas Well Corrosion Prevention Design
11.5 Tubing and Casing Corrosion Prevention for Sour Gas Reservoir ..
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