概率论与数理统计 英文版 桂文豪,王立春,孔令臣编著 2018年版
- 资料名称:概率论与数理统计 英文版 桂文豪,王立春,孔令臣编著 2018年版
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概率论与数理统计 英文版
出版时间: 2018年版
Chapter1 Introduction to Probability
1.1 Random Experiments
1.2 Sample Space
1.3 Relations and Operations between Events
1.4 The Definition of Probability
1.5 Equally Likely Outcomes Model
1.6 Conditional Probability
1.7 Total Probability and Bayes' Theorem
1.8 Independent Events
Chapter2 Random Variables and Distributions
2.1 Random Variables
2.2 Cumulative Distribution Function
2.3 Discrete Distributions
2.4 Some Common Discrete Distributions
2.5 Continuous Distributions
2.6 Some Useful Continuous Distributions
2.7 Functions of a Random Variable
Chapter3 Multivariate Probability Distributions
3.1 Bivariate Distributions
3.2 Marginal Distributions
3.3 Conditional Distributions
3.4 Independent Random Variables
3.5 Functions of TwoorMoreRandom Variables
Chapter4 Characteristics of Random Variables
4.1 The Expectation of a Random Variable
4.2 Variance
4.3 The Characteristics of some Common Distributions
4.4 Chebyshev's Inequality
4.5 Covariance and Correlation Coefficient
4.6 Moment and CovarianceMatrix
Chapter5 Large Random Samples
5.1 The Law of Large Numbers
5.2 The Central Limit Theorem
Chapter6 Estimation
6.1 Population and Sample
6.2 Moment Estimation
6.3 Maximum Likelihood Estimation
6.4 Properties of Estimators
6.5 Three Important Distributions
6.6 Confidence Intervals
Chapter7 Hypothesis Testing
7.1 Basics of Hypothesis Testing
7.2 Hypothesis Tests for a Population Mean
7.3 Testing Differences between Means
7.4 Hypothesis Tests for One or Two Variances
7.5 Goodness of Fit Tests
Chapter8 Linear Regression
8.1 Linear Regression Model
8.2 Least Squares Estimation
8.3 Properties of Linear Regression Estimators
8.4 Inferences Concerning the Slope
8.5 Regression Validity
8.6 Confidence Interval for Mean Response
8.7 Inference for Prediction
Appendix A Binomial Probability Distribution
Appendix B Poisson Cumulative Distribution
Appendix C Standard Normal Table
Appendix D t-distribution Upper Quantiles tα(n)
Appendix E χ2-distribution Upper Quantiles χ2α(n)
Appendix F F-distribution Upper Quantiles Fα(n1,n2)
Appendix G Some Common Probability Distributions
出版时间: 2018年版
Chapter1 Introduction to Probability
1.1 Random Experiments
1.2 Sample Space
1.3 Relations and Operations between Events
1.4 The Definition of Probability
1.5 Equally Likely Outcomes Model
1.6 Conditional Probability
1.7 Total Probability and Bayes' Theorem
1.8 Independent Events
Chapter2 Random Variables and Distributions
2.1 Random Variables
2.2 Cumulative Distribution Function
2.3 Discrete Distributions
2.4 Some Common Discrete Distributions
2.5 Continuous Distributions
2.6 Some Useful Continuous Distributions
2.7 Functions of a Random Variable
Chapter3 Multivariate Probability Distributions
3.1 Bivariate Distributions
3.2 Marginal Distributions
3.3 Conditional Distributions
3.4 Independent Random Variables
3.5 Functions of TwoorMoreRandom Variables
Chapter4 Characteristics of Random Variables
4.1 The Expectation of a Random Variable
4.2 Variance
4.3 The Characteristics of some Common Distributions
4.4 Chebyshev's Inequality
4.5 Covariance and Correlation Coefficient
4.6 Moment and CovarianceMatrix
Chapter5 Large Random Samples
5.1 The Law of Large Numbers
5.2 The Central Limit Theorem
Chapter6 Estimation
6.1 Population and Sample
6.2 Moment Estimation
6.3 Maximum Likelihood Estimation
6.4 Properties of Estimators
6.5 Three Important Distributions
6.6 Confidence Intervals
Chapter7 Hypothesis Testing
7.1 Basics of Hypothesis Testing
7.2 Hypothesis Tests for a Population Mean
7.3 Testing Differences between Means
7.4 Hypothesis Tests for One or Two Variances
7.5 Goodness of Fit Tests
Chapter8 Linear Regression
8.1 Linear Regression Model
8.2 Least Squares Estimation
8.3 Properties of Linear Regression Estimators
8.4 Inferences Concerning the Slope
8.5 Regression Validity
8.6 Confidence Interval for Mean Response
8.7 Inference for Prediction
Appendix A Binomial Probability Distribution
Appendix B Poisson Cumulative Distribution
Appendix C Standard Normal Table
Appendix D t-distribution Upper Quantiles tα(n)
Appendix E χ2-distribution Upper Quantiles χ2α(n)
Appendix F F-distribution Upper Quantiles Fα(n1,n2)
Appendix G Some Common Probability Distributions
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