海外优秀数学类教材系列丛书 高等工程数学 第5版 下 英文影印版 (美)奥尼尔(ONeil,P.V.) 编著 2004年版
- 资料名称:海外优秀数学类教材系列丛书 高等工程数学 第5版 下 英文影印版 (美)奥尼尔(ONeil,P.V.) 编著 2004年版
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海外优秀数学类教材系列丛书 高等工程数学 第5版 下 英文影印版
作者:(美)奥尼尔(ONeil,P.V.) 编著
丛编项: 海外优秀数学类教材系列丛书
PART1 Ordinary Differential Equations
Chapter1 Firest-Order Differential Equations
Chapter2 Second-Order Differential Equations
Chapter3 The Laplace Transform
Chapter4 Series Solutions
PART2 Vectors and Linear Algbra
Chapte5 Vectors and Vector Spaces
Chapte6 Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations
Chapte7 Determinants
Chapte8 Eigenvalues, Diagonaliaztion, an Special Matrices
PART3 Sysetems of Differential Equaions and Qualitative Methods
Chapte9 Systems of Linear Differential Equations
Chapte10 Qualitative Methods and Systems of Nonlinear Differential Equations
PART4 Vector Analysis
Chapte11 Vector Analysis
Chapte12 Vector Differntial Calculus
PART5 Fourier Analysis, Orthogonal Expansions, an Wavelets
Chapte13 Fourier Series
Chapte14 The Fourier Integral an Fourier Transforms
Chapte15 Special Functions Equations
PART6 Partial Differential Equations
Chapte16 The Wave Equation
Chapte17 The Heat Equation
Chapte18 The Potential Equation
Chapte19 Canonical Forms, Existence and Uniqueness of Soutions, an Well-Posed Problems
PART7 Complex Analysis
Chapte20 Geometry and Arithmetic of Complex Numbers
Chapte21 Complex Functions
Chapte22 Complex Integration
Chapte23 Series Representations of Functions
Chapte24 Singularities and the Residue Theorem
Chapte25 Conformal Mappings
PART8 Historical Notes
Chapte26 Developmne of areas of mathematics
Chapte27 Bigraphical Sketches
Answers and Solutions to Selected Odd-Numbered Problems
作者:(美)奥尼尔(ONeil,P.V.) 编著
丛编项: 海外优秀数学类教材系列丛书
PART1 Ordinary Differential Equations
Chapter1 Firest-Order Differential Equations
Chapter2 Second-Order Differential Equations
Chapter3 The Laplace Transform
Chapter4 Series Solutions
PART2 Vectors and Linear Algbra
Chapte5 Vectors and Vector Spaces
Chapte6 Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations
Chapte7 Determinants
Chapte8 Eigenvalues, Diagonaliaztion, an Special Matrices
PART3 Sysetems of Differential Equaions and Qualitative Methods
Chapte9 Systems of Linear Differential Equations
Chapte10 Qualitative Methods and Systems of Nonlinear Differential Equations
PART4 Vector Analysis
Chapte11 Vector Analysis
Chapte12 Vector Differntial Calculus
PART5 Fourier Analysis, Orthogonal Expansions, an Wavelets
Chapte13 Fourier Series
Chapte14 The Fourier Integral an Fourier Transforms
Chapte15 Special Functions Equations
PART6 Partial Differential Equations
Chapte16 The Wave Equation
Chapte17 The Heat Equation
Chapte18 The Potential Equation
Chapte19 Canonical Forms, Existence and Uniqueness of Soutions, an Well-Posed Problems
PART7 Complex Analysis
Chapte20 Geometry and Arithmetic of Complex Numbers
Chapte21 Complex Functions
Chapte22 Complex Integration
Chapte23 Series Representations of Functions
Chapte24 Singularities and the Residue Theorem
Chapte25 Conformal Mappings
PART8 Historical Notes
Chapte26 Developmne of areas of mathematics
Chapte27 Bigraphical Sketches
Answers and Solutions to Selected Odd-Numbered Problems