中国文化及相关产业统计年鉴 2016年 光盘版
- 资料名称:中国文化及相关产业统计年鉴 2016年 光盘版
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《中国文化及相关产业统计年鉴-2016》由国家统计局和中宣部共同编辑。本年鉴收录了2015年全国和各省、自治区、直辖市与文化产业相关的统计数据,以及2005-2014年全国主要统计数据,是一部全面反映我国文化改革发展情况的资料性年刊。 本年鉴内容分为六个部分。第一部分为经济和社会发展概况;第二部分为文化及相关产业发展情况;第三部分为文化及相关产业法人单位发展情况;第四部分主要文化行业发展情况;第五部分为港澳台地区统计资料;第六部分为国际统计资料。最后附录了中国入选世界文化遗产项目、主要统计指标解释和文化及相关产业分类(2012)。 本年鉴对部分总计和分项因小数取舍而产生的误差,均未做配平处理。年鉴各表中的“空格”表示该统计指标数据不足本表最小单位数、数据不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要项;“”或“1、2、3”表示本表的注解。 参与本年鉴编辑的部门还有:工业和信息化部、民政部、财政部、住房和城乡建设部、商务部、文化部、国家工商总局、国家新闻出版广电总局、国家知识产权局和国家档案局。我们对上述部门有关人员在本年鉴编辑过程中给予的大力支持,表示衷心地感谢! Ⅰ.China Statistical Yearbook on Culture and Related Industries 2016 is compiled by NationalBureau of Statistics of China and Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee.It covers datarelevant with cultural industries for 2015 at national level and local level of province,autonomousregion and municipality directly under the Central Government,and national key statistical data from2005 to 2014.The yearbook is an annual statistical publication reflecting comprehensively thedevelopment and reform of culture of China. Ⅱ.The yearbook contains six chapters:1.Economic and Social Development;2.Developmentof Culture and Related Industries;3.Condition on Legal Entities of Culture and Related Industries;4.Development of Main Cultural Industries;5.Statistical Indicators of Hongkong,Macao andTaiwan of China;6.International Statistical Indicators.Items Listing in World Cultural Heritage ofChina,Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators,Classification of Culture and relatedIndustryies(2012) are listed as Appendices. Ⅲ.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in theyearbook.Notations used in the yearbook:(blank space) indicates that the figure is not large enoughto be measured with the smallest unit in the table,or data are unknown,or are not available;"#"indicates a major breakdown of the total. Ⅳ.Data in the yearbook are also source from the following departments:Ministry of Industryand Information Technology,Ministry of Civil Affairs,Ministry of Finance,Ministry of Housing andUrban-Rural Development,Ministry of Commerce,Ministry of Culture,State Administration forIndustry & Commerce,State Administration of Press,Publication,Radio,Film and Television,StateIntellectual Property Office and the State Archives Administration.Here we want to express our deepappreciation to these departments!